The theory of relativity, explained simply, is a scientific concept developed by Albert Einstein that helps us understand how time, space, and motion work together. It consists of two main parts: the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity.

First, let's talk about the special theory of relativity. Imagine you are in a car moving at a constant speed. If you toss a ball in the car, it will look like it's moving in a straight line to you. But to someone watching from outside the car, the ball's path might look curved. This is similar to how time and space can look different to different observers depending on their relative motion.

Now, let's consider the general theory of relativity. Imagine a heavy ball placed in the middle of a trampoline, causing it to create a dent in the fabric. If you roll a marble nearby, it will roll towards the heavy ball because of the dent it creates. In the same way, objects with mass, like planets and stars, can cause a curvature in space and time around them, affecting the motion of other objects nearby.

In summary, the theory of relativity helps us understand how the speed of objects and mass can affect how time and space work, and how gravity is not just a force pulling objects together, but also a result of the curvature of spacetime caused by mass.

I hope this helps you understand the theory of relativity in simple terms!