Imagine you have to make a decision about something. We can think of decisions as being either 'red' or 'green'. Red choices might not be the best for us or could lead to bad outcomes, just like a red traffic light means stop. On the other hand, green choices are good for us and can lead to positive outcomes, like a green traffic light means go. Here are some examples:

  • A red choice could be eating too much candy before dinner, which might make us feel sick later.
  • A green choice could be eating our vegetables, which helps us grow strong and healthy.
  • Another red choice could be not listening to our parents, which could get us into trouble.
  • A green choice could be doing our homework, which helps us learn and do well in school.

So, when we have to make a decision, we should try to make more green choices than red choices to stay healthy, happy, and out of trouble. Remember, red choices stop us from growing and learning, while green choices help us move forward and be our best selves!