Have you ever watched a dog get ready to lie down and noticed that it walks in circles a few times before settling in? It's a little like when we fluff up our pillows or pull our blankets just right before going to sleep!

One reason dogs do this goes all the way back to their wild ancestors. A long time ago, wild dogs lived outside in nature without cozy beds to sleep in. They needed to make sure their sleeping spot was safe and comfortable. By walking in circles, they would stomp down grass, leaves, or snow to make a soft and comfy bed.

Also, walking in circles let them check the area for anything that might be dangerous. Imagine you're making a snow angel - you look around first to make sure there's nothing sharp or weird on the ground. Dogs do the same thing to make sure there are no sticks, rocks, or even tiny bugs where they want to lie down.

But that's not all! Walking in circles also helps dogs choose the best position to curl up. Just like how you might turn over a couple of times to find the best spot in your bed, dogs are trying to find their coziest position.

So, the next time you see a dog do this, remember they're doing something very smart. They're making sure their bed is as safe and comfy as can be, just like you would before falling asleep!

Written June 20, 2024