Imagine you're playing a game where every point you win makes you feel like you’re climbing up a ladder to get closer to a big prize! Tennis scoring is like that, but with some funny numbers that have been around for a very long time.

When a tennis game starts, both players are like at the bottom of the ladder, which is called 0 or 'love' (sounds cute, doesn’t it?). The first point you win takes you up to 15, the next one is 30, and then it goes to 40. So you see, it doesn’t count like 1, 2, 3—more like hopping from one step to bigger and bigger steps: 15, 30, 40.

And why do we use these funny numbers? A long, long time ago, people who first played tennis in France used clocks to keep the score. First, they pointed the minute hand to 15, then 30, then 45. But 45 was too hard to say fast while playing, so they shortened it to 40. Kind of like how we say 'TV' instead of 'television.'

Now, winning a game doesn’t just end at 40. If both you and your friend both reach 40, it's called 'deuce,' and you need to win two more points in a row to win the game. If you win only once, it's called 'advantage.' Then, if you get another point, hooray, you win the game! But if your friend gets a point next, you’re back to 'deuce' and need to try again.

Just think of tennis scoring as a fun and fancy way to climb a ladder with your friend, and sometimes you both get stuck at the same spot, making it even more exciting! And that’s why the score sounds a bit funny—because it’s like a special game with its own cool rules!

Written June 20, 2024