Hey there, kiddo! Let me tell you an exciting story about some tiny characters called the Littles. They are just like you and me but much smaller, kind of like your favorite action figures or dolls. They live in the walls of a big house and have all sorts of adventures!

Now, imagine if you were as small as a mouse and had to hide from people so they wouldn't find you. That's exactly what the Littles do in the story! They have a special hiding place that keeps them safe. It’s kind of like a secret fort that you might build with pillows and blankets, but even cooler!

Why do they need a hiding place, you ask? Great question! You see, the Littles need to be super sneaky because the big people in the house—like Mom, Dad, and the kids—don't know the Littles exist. If the big people found out, it could be super scary for our tiny friends, and who knows what could happen?

The Littles' hiding place is very clever. It's usually somewhere in the walls or under the floorboards where no one would ever think to look. They have little tunnels and passages that lead to their special spot, kind of like a secret maze!

Isn't it fun to think about where you would hide if you were as tiny as the Littles? Next time you read a book or play, maybe think about where your secret hiding place would be. And remember, imagination can make anything possible, just like in the stories about the Littles!

Written June 24, 2024