Alright, get comfy because we're about to dive into the tiny world of mice! Imagine you're a little mouse out in the big world. It's getting chilly outside, and all the good snack spots are starting to disappear. What would you do if you wanted to find warmth and yummy food? Yep, you'd look for a cozy place like a house, where those problems are solved.

Mice are teeny-tiny adventurers with great noses and twitchy whiskers that help them find food and safe places to live. Just like how you might follow the smell of fresh cookies in your kitchen, mice use their noses to sniff out delicious crumbs and treats inside houses.

Now, think about how small a mouse is. They can fit through holes and cracks as tiny as a quarter of an inch – that's really small! You know how you can squeeze through a tight spot when you're playing hide and seek? Mice can do that too, but even better! They find these little gaps in walls, windows, and doors, and shimmy right in.

Once inside, the mice are like explorers on a treasure hunt. They search all the nooks and crannies for food crumbs, or maybe even a bit of cheese if they’re lucky. They love to nest in warm, hidden places. It’s like them building their own little mouse-sized fort where they can sleep and stay out of sight.

So, the reason mice come into houses, or 'the littles' as we’re calling them, is pretty simple. They’re looking for food, warmth, and safety – just like we love to be cozy inside when it’s cold or raining! To keep them from coming in, we can make sure our homes are clean and there aren't any tiny openings for them to sneak through. That way, the mice can stay outside, and we get to keep our snacks all to ourselves!

Written June 24, 2024