Once upon a time, there was a student named Alex who wanted to get better at English. Alex wasn't very confident about speaking or writing in English and felt a bit scared whenever there was a test. But Alex didn't give up and decided to try new ways to improve.

First, Alex started reading a little bit every day. He found books that were fun and interesting, like stories about adventures and magical lands. Reading helped Alex learn new words and understand how sentences were made. It was like discovering a new world in every book!

Next, Alex practiced writing. He began by keeping a diary and writing about his day. Sometimes, he wrote letters to his friends or created his own stories. Writing helped Alex to use the new words he learned and get better at spelling and grammar. It was a fun way to practice!

Alex also tried speaking English more often. He talked with his friends and family in English and even joined a club at school where everyone spoke English. Speaking regularly helped Alex become more comfortable with the language and made him more confident.

Finally, Alex asked his teacher for help whenever he was stuck. The teacher was always happy to explain things and give advice. With time, Alex noticed big improvements in his English skills. He could read books faster, write more clearly, and speak without feeling scared. Alex's hard work paid off and he felt very proud of himself!

Written June 24, 2024