Once upon a time, in a cozy little house, lived Tom and Mr. Little. Tom was a curious boy who loved adventures, while Mr. Little was a wise old man with a heart full of stories. One sunny afternoon, they had a surprising visitor—a tiny, furry mouse!

Tom was the first to spot the mouse scurrying across the kitchen floor. His eyes grew wide with excitement as he pointed and exclaimed, 'Mr. Little, there's a mouse in the house!' Mr. Little adjusted his glasses and smiled gently. 'Ah, a mouse! Let's see how we can make a new friend,' he said.

They both quietly approached the mouse, trying not to startle it. Mr. Little, being very wise, knew that mice were tiny and often scared. He knelt down and spoke softly to the mouse. 'Hello, little friend. We're not here to harm you. You must be hungry and looking for food,' he said.

Tom, feeling a bit nervous but curious, watched closely. Mr. Little then took a small piece of cheese from the kitchen and placed it gently near the mouse. The tiny creature sniffed the air, slowly coming closer to the cheese. Tom watched in awe as the mouse nibbled on the cheese happily. 'You see, Tom,' said Mr. Little, 'sometimes all it takes to turn a stranger into a friend is a little kindness and understanding.'

From that day on, Tom and Mr. Little made sure to leave tiny treats for their new mouse friend. They learned that even the smallest creatures deserve respect and care. And so, they all lived happily ever after, in a house where everyone, big or small, had a place.

Written June 26, 2024