Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there lived two adventurous friends named Lucy and Pete. One sunny day, they decided to explore deeper than they ever had before. They were excited, but little did they know, they would meet someone very unexpected!

As they walked deeper into the forest, they suddenly heard a rustling noise. Out of the bushes came Moce, a huge, friendly but a bit clumsy dragon! Moce was curious and wanted to play, but his size made Lucy and Pete a little scared. They didn’t know what to do at first!

Lucy had an idea. She remembered that dragons love to play games, especially hide and seek. So, she bravely stepped forward and said, 'Hey Moce, do you want to play a game of hide and seek with us?' Moce’s eyes lit up with excitement, and he eagerly agreed. Lucy whispered to Pete to follow her lead.

The game began, and as Moce covered his eyes to count, Lucy and Pete quickly ran to find a hiding spot. But instead of just hiding, they slowly made their way back towards the edge of the forest. With each step, they made sure to stay very quiet so Moce wouldn’t hear them.

Finally, they reached the safer part of the forest where they knew Moce wouldn’t come. Lucy and Pete hoped Moce would forget about the game and go back to his part of the forest. And guess what? It worked! Moce got tired of looking and decided to rest, while Lucy and Pete happily made their way home, promising to themselves they would always be cautious while exploring. And that’s how their clever thinking helped them escape their encounter with Moce!

Written June 26, 2024