Hey there, little buddy! Are you ready to go on a colorful adventure and learn how tie dye works? Tie dye is like magic that turns plain, boring clothes into a rainbow of colors!

First, we need a plain white t-shirt. Imagine it's like a blank piece of paper waiting for your amazing artwork. Now, we need to scrunch up or twist the t-shirt in different ways. You can fold it like an accordion, twist it like a snail, or even bunch it up like a crumpled piece of paper. When you're happy with your design, use rubber bands to hold it tight.

Next, comes the fun part – the dyes! These are colorful liquids, kind of like watercolor paints, but for clothes. Make sure you wear old clothes or an apron because it can get messy. We have to mix the dyes with water and shake them up in squeeze bottles. Now, you get to squirt the dyes onto the t-shirt. You can choose as many colors as you like! Be creative and squirt the colors all over your t-shirt.

After you’re done applying the dyes, we need to let the t-shirt sit for a while. This is like when we let our cookies cool after baking. We wrap the t-shirt in a plastic bag and let it rest for about 6 to 8 hours. During this time, the colors soak into the fabric and blend together to create beautiful patterns, just like magic!

Finally, it’s time to reveal our masterpiece! We carefully remove the rubber bands and rinse the t-shirt in cold water to wash away any extra dye. Then, we let it dry. Just like that, your t-shirt has gone from plain and boring to bright and amazing! You’ve learned how to create your very own tie dye piece of art. Congrats, little artist!

Written June 27, 2024