Hey there, little buddy! Have you ever wondered why cats eat mice? Well, grab your detective hat and let's dive into this mystery together!

Cats are like little furry superheroes with superpowers. One of their most amazing superpowers is being a great hunter. Long, long ago, before cats had cozy homes with humans, they had to go out and find their own food. Mice were one of the yummiest snacks they could catch!

Here's another cool fact: Cats are natural-born hunters. That means they're born with special skills that make them really good at catching mice. They've got sharp claws, quick reflexes, and super sneaky moves. They can jump really high and move without making any noise, just like ninjas!

On top of that, cats have excellent night vision. They can see in the dark better than you and me. This makes it easier for them to find and catch mice, which often come out to play at night. So when the moon is up and the house gets quiet, your cat might be on a secret mission!

Lastly, even though you give your cat delicious food, their hunting instinct is still a big part of who they are. They might catch a mouse just because it feels like a fun game to them. So, the next time you see a cat chasing a mouse, you'll know it's just them being awesome little hunters!

Written June 28, 2024