Hey there, little chess champ! Have you ever wondered who gets the first move in a game of chess? Well, let me tell you a little secret - it's always the pieces that are wearing the white color! Yep, white pieces go first in chess.

Imagine you are playing with two teams of chess pieces. One team likes to wear white, and the other team prefers to wear black. Just like in a race where someone yells 'Ready, set, go!', the white team in chess always gets to say 'Go!' first.

Now, why does white go first? Great question! It's just a rule that chess players follow. Think of it like a game of tag, where someone calls 'You're it!' first. This rule helps everyone know exactly how to start the game, and it’s fair because both players know this rule before they begin playing.

Because the white pieces go first, they get a little bit of an advantage! It’s like having a tiny head start in a running race. But don't worry! Even though black goes second, many smart players can still win the game with the black pieces. It just means you have to be a bit more clever and think ahead.

So, next time you set up your chess board and get ready to play, remember: the white pieces always get the first move. Go ahead and make that first move with confidence, whether you’re playing as white or black. And most of all, have fun!

Written July 7, 2024