What is Comprehension?

Hi Vienna! Let’s talk about comprehension. Comprehension is a fancy word that means understanding something. When you read a book, listen to a story, or even do a math problem, comprehension is how well you understand what you are reading, hearing, or doing.

Here’s an example: Imagine you are reading Harry Potter. Comprehension is when you can tell someone about the characters, the plot, and what happens next. If you can explain these things, it means you have good comprehension!

There are different kinds of comprehension:

  • Literal comprehension: This is when you understand the basic facts, like who the characters are and what happens in the story.
  • Inferential comprehension: This means you can figure out what is not directly said. For example, if a character is sad, you might guess why they are feeling that way based on what’s happening in the story.
  • Evaluative comprehension: This is when you think about what you read and decide if it’s good or bad, or if you agree with it.

So, comprehension is super important because it helps you enjoy books, do well in school, and learn new things! The better you understand what you read or hear, the more fun it will be. Try to always ask questions about things you don’t understand; it helps your comprehension grow!

Written September 11, 2024