Understanding Subtraction

Hi Madisyn! Today, we're going to learn about subtraction. Subtraction is basically taking away one number from another. It helps us find out how much is left after we remove something.

1. The Basics

When we write a subtraction problem, it looks like this:

4 - 2 = __

This means we start with 4, and we want to take away 2. What is left? Let's figure it out!

2. Counting Backwards

A good way to do subtraction is to count backwards. Starting from 4, let's count backwards 2 numbers:

  • 4 (start)
  • 3 (1st count back)
  • 2 (2nd count back)

So, if we count back 2 from 4, we land on 2. That means:

4 - 2 = 2

3. Using Objects

You can also use objects to help. Let’s say you have 4 apples. If you give away 2 apples, you can physically count how many are left. You start with 4 and take away 2, and you can see that you have 2 apples left.

4. Practice Problems

Now, let’s try a few practice problems:

  • 5 - 3 = __
  • 7 - 4 = __
  • 10 - 5 = __

Try to solve these by counting backwards or using objects! Remember, practice makes perfect!

5. Conclusion

Subtraction is all about taking away to find out what’s left. You can use counting backwards or objects to help you. Keep practicing, and you’ll get really good at it!

Written September 12, 2024