Hi Lidziya! Do you know what artists do? Artists are special people who like to make things that are beautiful and fun! They can use different tools like paints, crayons, or even their fingers! Let's explore what artists do step by step:

  1. They Imagine: First, artists think about what they want to create. They have big ideas in their heads, like a rainbow, a big tree, or even a happy dinosaur!
  2. They Create: Next, they start to use their tools. They might paint a picture, make a sculpture, or draw something amazing. They love to use colors and shapes!
  3. They Share: After making their art, artists often like to show it to other people. This could be hanging it on a wall or giving it to a friend!
  4. They Feel: Artists express their feelings through their art. Sometimes they feel happy, and they make bright pictures; other times they feel sad, and they might use darker colors.

So, Lidziya, artists make the world around us more colorful and exciting! They help us feel different things with their creations. Maybe one day you can be an artist too!

Written September 14, 2024