Key People During the Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution, which took place in 1917, was a significant event that changed the course of Russian history. Here are some key people you should know about:

1. Tsar Nicholas II

Tsar Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia. His inability to address the country's problems, like food shortages and military failures during World War I, led to widespread dissatisfaction. In March 1917, he was forced to abdicate or give up his throne.

2. Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Party and a key figure in the revolution. He advocated for the working class and promised peace, land, and bread. In October 1917, he played a crucial role in the Bolshevik takeover of the government.

3. Leon Trotsky

Leon Trotsky was a close ally of Lenin and an important leader in the Bolshevik movement. He was particularly known for leading the Red Army during the Civil War that followed the revolution. Trotsky's ideas about permanent revolution were influential but led to tensions within the Communist Party.

4. Joseph Stalin

Although not as prominent during the revolution itself, Joseph Stalin became a significant leader afterward. After Lenin's death, he gradually gained power and would eventually become the dictator of the Soviet Union, known for his authoritarian rule.

5. Rasputin

Grigori Rasputin was a mystic who had considerable influence over the royal family, particularly over Tsarina Alexandra, Nicholas II's wife. Many blamed him for the downfall of the monarchy due to his controversial influence and alleged role in the governance of Russia.

6. Kerensky

Alexander Kerensky was a key leader in the provisional government established after Nicholas II's abdication. He aimed to continue fighting in World War I, but his government lost support among the people, which contributed to the rise of the Bolsheviks.

7. The Bolsheviks

The Bolsheviks were a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party led by Lenin. They believed in radical change and aimed to overthrow the existing government to establish a socialist state.


These individuals played crucial roles during the Russian Revolution, shaping its course and the future of Russia. Understanding their impact helps us grasp how the revolution led to significant changes in not only Russia but also worldwide politics.

Written September 15, 2024