Timeline of the Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution was a series of events that took place in 1917, leading to the end of the Tsarist autocracy and the rise of the Soviet Union. Here’s a step-by-step timeline of the key events:

February Revolution (March 1917 in the Gregorian calendar)

  • February 23: International Women's Day protests begin in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg), focusing on bread shortages and workers' rights.
  • February 25: Protests grow as workers join women in the streets, calling for the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II.
  • February 27: The military begins to side with the protesters, and troops mutiny against the Tsar.
  • February 28: The Duma (Russian Parliament) forms a provisional government.
  • March 2: Tsar Nicholas II abdicates the throne, ending centuries of Romanov rule.

Provisional Government & Bolshevik Revolution

After the February Revolution, a provisional government was established but struggled to maintain power.

  • April 3: Vladimir Lenin returns to Russia from exile and proposes his April Theses advocating for “peace, land, and bread.”
  • July 16-20: The July Days uprising occurs, where workers and soldiers revolt against the provisional government, but it is suppressed.
  • October 25: The Bolsheviks launch the October Revolution, seizing key government locations in Petrograd.
  • October 26: The Bolsheviks take control of the Winter Palace, marking the start of Bolshevik rule.

Civil War and Establishment of the Soviet Union

The Bolshevik takeover led to a civil war between the Red Army (Bolsheviks) and the White Army (anti-Bolsheviks).

  • 1918-1920: The Russian Civil War ensues, with various groups fighting for control. The Bolsheviks ultimately emerge victorious.
  • December 30, 1922: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is officially established, marking the beginning of communist governance in Russia.


The Russian Revolution was a complex series of events that drastically changed the political landscape of Russia. It was fueled by issues like class struggle, war, and societal change, and resulted in the creation of the Soviet Union which lasted until 1991.

Written September 15, 2024