What is a Frequency Distribution Table?

A frequency distribution table is a way to organize and summarize a set of data. Think of it as a chart that shows how often different values occur within a dataset.

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Collect Your Data: Start by gathering the data you want to analyze. For example, if you surveyed your friends about how many hours they spend gaming each week, you might have data like this: 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 2, 5, 6, 2, 3.
  2. Identify the Range: Look at the smallest and largest values in your data. In our example, the smallest value is 2, and the largest is 6.
  3. Create Classes or Intervals: If necessary, you can group your data into ranges (like “2-3 hours,” “4-5 hours,” etc.), but for this example, we’ll just count actual values.
  4. Tally the Frequencies: Go through your data and count how many times each unique value occurs. For our example, you’d count:
    • 2 occurs 3 times
    • 3 occurs 3 times
    • 4 occurs 1 time
    • 5 occurs 2 times
    • 6 occurs 1 time
  5. Construct the Table: Now, you can create the table. It usually has two columns: one for the values and one for the frequency of those values. It would look like this:

Why is it Useful?

A frequency distribution table helps you quickly see patterns in your data. You can easily tell which amounts are most common and helps in making decisions or understanding trends. This skill is essential in statistics and various other subjects.

Written September 16, 2024