Hey Asher! Let’s pretend we’re talking about chicken eggs, okay? When we see eggs in the store, they’re usually in a big box and can look really yummy, right? But did you know that not all eggs can become baby chickens? Let me tell you why!

First, for an egg to hatch into a chick, it needs to be 'special' eggs that the mommy chicken has been sitting on. These special eggs are called fertilized eggs. They come from a chicken that has met a daddy chicken, and together they make an egg that can grow into a chick.

Now, the eggs in the store are usually not fertilized eggs. That means they haven't had a chance to meet a daddy chicken. So, when you take them home and put them in a warm spot, nothing happens. It’s like having a seed that can’t grow into a plant because it’s just not the right kind.

Also, eggs that you find at the store are collected and cleaned very carefully so we can eat them, not to hatch into baby chicks. So, even if we want a chick to pop out of the egg, the store eggs just won’t do that!

So, to remember: store-bought eggs are made to eat and are not special eggs that can turn into chicks!

Isn’t that interesting?

Written September 17, 2024