What Are Piranhas?

Piranhas are a type of fish that live in rivers and lakes in South America. They are special because they have very sharp teeth that look like little triangles!

Why Are Their Teeth So Sharp?

Their sharp teeth help them eat food. Piranhas are known for eating meat, like smaller fish or even other animals that come too close to the water. But don’t worry, they usually just eat what they catch and are not out to get people.

What Do They Look Like?

Piranhas have a strong, round body and they are usually silver or gray, sometimes with red or black on their bellies. They are also known to swim in groups, which is called a school.

Are They Scary?

Some people think piranhas are scary because of their teeth, but they’re not always dangerous to people. Most of the time, they just want to swim, eat, and be part of their schools. If you ever see a picture of them, remember they are just doing their fishy things!

Fun Fact!

Did you know that piranhas are very good swimmers? They can quickly dart around their water home, playing and searching for food!

Written September 19, 2024