Hi there! Let's talk about why some parts of our bodies are called 'private parts.'

1. What are private parts? Private parts are the areas of our bodies that are usually covered by our underwear. For boys, these include the penis and testicles, and for girls, these include the vagina and breasts.

2. Why are they private? These parts of our bodies are private for a few reasons:

  • Personal Space: Just like how we have our own personal space, our private parts are part of our personal space. We should only share information about them with trusted adults like parents or doctors.
  • Body Safety: Knowing what private parts are helps us understand that they are special and need protection. It’s important to be safe and not let others touch our private parts without our permission.
  • Respect: By keeping our private parts private, we learn to respect ourselves and others. It helps us understand that everyone has the right to privacy.

3. Talking About Private Parts: It’s okay to talk about private parts with trusted adults. They can help you understand them better and answer any questions you have.

So remember, private parts are called 'private' because they are special, deserve respect, and should be kept safe. If you have more questions, feel free to ask a trusted adult!

Written September 19, 2024