What are Fossils?

Hi Ella-Rose! Do you know what a fossil is? Imagine if your favorite toy was buried in sand for a really, really long time. Over time, the sand could harden around the toy, and even after many years, people might find it and see what it looks like! That’s a bit like how fossils are made!

How Do Fossils Form?

Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived a long time ago, sometimes millions of years! When an animal or plant dies, it can get covered by dirt and rocks. Over many years, the soft parts like skin and leaves disappear, and hard parts like bones and shells can turn into fossils. This happens because the minerals in the soil mix with the remains, turning them into rock!

What Types of Fossils Are There?

There are different kinds of fossils:

  • Body Fossils: These are made from the hard parts of animals, like bones or teeth.
  • Trace Fossils: These are not the remains of the animal itself, but they show things the animal did, like footprints or burrows.
  • Amber Fossils: Sometimes, small animals get trapped in tree sap, which hardens into amber, preserving the little animal inside!

Why Are Fossils Important?

Fossils are like little clues about what life was like a long time ago! Scientists study fossils to learn about animals and plants that lived on Earth before us. They can tell us about what the weather was like and how the Earth changed over time.


So, Ella-Rose, fossils are like nature's treasure chests, holding stories from the past! Isn’t that exciting? Maybe one day, you will find a fossil and make a new discovery too!

Written September 19, 2024