Okay, little buddy! Let’s talk about guitars! There are two types: the regular guitar and the electric guitar.

A regular guitar is like a cozy blanket; when you play it, the sound comes out really nicely and you can hear it even if it’s just you playing. That's because it has a hollow body that helps make it loud.

Now, an electric guitar is a bit different. Imagine it’s like a toy that needs batteries, but instead of batteries, it needs a special box called a 'speaker' to help it sound loud. If you just strum an electric guitar without the speaker, it sounds very soft, like a whisper!

So, when you want to hear that electric guitar really loud, you need to plug it into the speaker, just like turning on a fun music show! Can you think of it like putting on a superhero cape to make it super strong?

Written September 20, 2024