An adverbial phrase is a group of words that function together as an adverb to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. These phrases provide information about how, when, where, why, or to what extent something happens. They typically consist of an adverb along with other words that complete its meaning.

Examples of Adverbial Phrases:

  • How: "with great enthusiasm"
    Example: She danced with great enthusiasm.
  • When: "in the morning"
    Example: We will meet in the morning.
  • Where: "at the park"
    Example: He found his dog at the park.
  • Why: "because of the rain"
    Example: The game was canceled because of the rain.
  • To what extent: "very quickly"
    Example: The car drove very quickly.

In summary, adverbial phrases add context and depth to sentences, improving clarity and engagement in your writing.

Written September 22, 2024