The Water Cycle

Hey there, little explorer! 🌊 Let's go on an adventure to learn about the water cycle! It's like a magic dance that water does in nature!

Step 1: The Sun Makes Water Dance

First, when the sun shines brightly, it warms up rivers, lakes, and oceans. This makes some of the water turn into tiny, invisible bubbles called vapor and fly up into the sky. This part is called evaporation!

Step 2: Clouds Are Born

As the water vapor goes higher, it gets cooler and sticks together to make fluffy clouds. Think of them like big, puffy pillows in the sky! This is called condensation.

Step 3: Rain Falls Down

When the clouds get too heavy with water, they let it fall back down to Earth as rain, snow, or even hail! This is called precipitation.

Step 4: Water Goes Back Home

The rainwater helps rivers, lakes, and plants drink up. Some water goes into the ground, and some flows back to where it started. Eventually, this water will be warmed by the sun again and the whole cycle starts over. Isn’t that cool?

Fun Fact!

The water cycle is super important because it helps plants grow, gives animals a drink, and makes sure we have clean water to use!

Now you've learned about the magic water dance! 🤗

Written September 23, 2024