The United States Civil War

Okay, J! Let’s learn about something called the Civil War. Imagine the United States is a big house where many people live together. But in this house, some people started to argue about important things like rules and choices. These people were sometimes called the North and the South.

Now, the North and the South had different ideas about how things should be. The North wanted everyone to be free and not have slaves, which are people who have to work without getting paid. The South wanted to keep having slaves because they relied on them to help grow crops and do hard work.

So, because they could not agree, a big fight happened from 1861 to 1865. This fight was called the Civil War. It was like a giant and very sad tug-of-war where the two sides pulled in opposite directions and many people got hurt.

In the end, the North won the fight. This meant that everyone in the United States could be free, and there wouldn’t be any more slaves. The Civil War was a very important time because it helped change the way people were treated.

So, remember, J! The Civil War was about making fair choices and treating everyone nicely, just like how we should all share our toys and play nicely together!

Written September 23, 2024