Okay, little buddy! Let’s imagine we are playing a fun game where we have some instruments, like a tambourine, a drum, and a flute! 🌟

First, we will look at the shadow of each instrument. Shadows are like dark shapes that happen when light shines on something. Let’s pretend we see the shadow of a tambourine! Tambourine shadow

Now, we need to find the instrument that looks like that shadow. We look for the shiny tambourine! Do you see how the shape of the tambourine matches the shadow? 🎶

Next, we can look at the shadow of the drum. It’s round and big! 🥁 What instrument can make a shadow like that? Yes, it’s the drum!

Lastly, let’s check the shadow of the flute. It’s long and thin like a stick! 🎷 We can find it by looking for the flute.

So remember, we look at the shapes of the shadows and find the instruments that match those shapes! It’s a fun way to play with lights and shapes! Are you ready to try finding some shadows? Let's go! 👏

Written September 27, 2024