To understand the phrase "make provision for two more sections," let's break it down step by step:

  1. Definition of Provision: To make provision means to arrange or prepare for something in advance.
  2. Contextual Meaning: In this context, it typically implies that you need to set aside resources, time, or space for two additional parts or areas. This could apply to various scenarios, such as planning a project, creating a document, or designing a layout.
  3. Application: If you are working on a report, for example, and you are instructed to make provision for two more sections, it means you should include space and outline for two additional parts of the report that will be completed later.
  4. Implementation: Practically, making provision may involve:
    • Adjusting the overall structure to accommodate these sections.
    • Identifying what content will go into these sections and any necessary resources needed to develop them.
  5. Summary: Ultimately, making provision is about foresight—preparing in advance for aspects that are anticipated to be added in the future.

This concept can be applied in various fields, including business, education, and everyday life, emphasizing the importance of planning for future requirements.

Written September 27, 2024