When we say "with a cursor on the image a microanimation is activated showing the product from different sides," we are referring to a specific interactive feature found on many e-commerce websites or digital displays.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Cursor Interaction: The interaction begins when you move your mouse (or cursor) over a product image. This is an intuitive action, similar to how you would point at something in the real world.
  2. Microanimation Trigger: This mouse-over action triggers a microanimation. A microanimation is a subtle, brief animation designed to provide feedback or draw attention to an element. In this context, it's a way to engage you with the product.
  3. Product Rotation: As the microanimation plays, the product image may rotate or shift. This allows you to see the product from different angles—like viewing a physical item in a store from various perspectives.
  4. Enhanced Understanding: This feature enhances your understanding of the product's design, texture, and features by allowing you to view details that may not be visible from a single angle.
  5. Encouragement to Engage: Such animations not only keep users engaged but can also help in making purchasing decisions by showing off the item in a dynamic and attractive way.

In short, it's a creative way of showcasing products that makes online shopping more interactive and informative, benefiting customers by giving them a comprehensive view before making a purchase.

Written September 27, 2024