A product carousel is a common feature on e-commerce websites that allows users to browse through a selection of products easily. Let's break down how it works, especially the part about clicking three times to see four different products each time.

1. **Initial Setup**: When you land on a webpage with a product carousel, you'll typically see a set of products displayed horizontally. Let's say you see four products right from the start.

2. **Clicking to Change Products**: The carousel includes navigation arrows (usually on the sides) or dots (often positioned below the products) representing different sets of products. When you click on the right arrow, the display shifts to show you another set of four products.

3. **Three Clicks to Explore**: Here’s where the 'three clicks' comes in: with each click of the right arrow, the carousel moves to show you a new set of products. When you click once, you might see items 5-8; clicking again could show items 9-12, and finally, the third click might reveal items 13-16. In total, you effectively browse through 12 different products while making just three clicks.

4. **Why This is Helpful**: This design helps shoppers quickly view a variety of products without having to load a new page or scroll extensively. The first click refreshes the display, and the process allows for a seamless shopping experience.

In summary, a product carousel lets you efficiently explore multiple product options by clicking, usually arranged so that you can navigate through sets of four products with just a few clicks.

Written September 27, 2024