How to Write an IHIP for 8th Grade in New York State

Hi Tanner! Writing an Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) can feel a bit overwhelming, but I’ll break it down into manageable steps for you. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Understand What an IHIP Is

An IHIP is a written plan that shows how you will learn the subjects required by New York State. It’s important because it helps keep track of your education while learning at home.

Step 2: Know the Required Subjects

In 8th grade, you need to include the following subjects in your IHIP:

  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Art
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Health

Step 3: Create Your IHIP Document

Your IHIP should have several key parts:

  1. Student Information: Include your name, address, and date of birth.
  2. Educational Philosophy: Write a sentence or two about how you believe learning happens best (like hands-on activities, reading books, etc.).
  3. Curriculum Overview: For each subject, list the resources or books you will use to learn. For example, you could mention specific textbooks, online courses, or activities.
  4. Assessment Methods: Explain how you will show what you’ve learned, such as taking tests, writing reports, or projects.
  5. Monthly Review: Outline how you plan to review your progress each month. This could involve setting goals and noting what you accomplished.

Step 4: Put Everything Together

Make sure your IHIP is clear and easy to read. Use headings and bullet points to organize the information. It doesn’t need to be super fancy, just neat and informative!

Step 5: Submit Your IHIP

Once you’ve completed your IHIP, you need to submit it to your local school district. They have to approve it before you start your home instruction. Usually, you can email or mail it to them.

Step 6: Keep Records

After your IHIP is approved, remember to keep track of your progress. Save work samples and notes about what you’ve learned throughout the year.


And there you have it, Tanner! You now know how to write an IHIP for your 8th grade education in New York State. Just take it a step at a time, and ask for help if you need it. Good luck, and happy learning!

Written September 29, 2024