What is a Chorus?

A chorus is a repeated part of a song that often contains the main message or feeling. It's usually catchy and makes you want to sing along!

Structure of a Chorus

1. Hook: The chorus often starts with a hook, which is a simple and catchy phrase or melody that sticks in your mind.

2. Lyrics: The words in the chorus usually sum up the song's main idea. They are often easy to remember and repeat.

3. Melody: The melody, or tune, is usually very singable and is designed to stand out from the verses of the song.

4. Repetition: Most choruses are repeated several times throughout the song. This repetition is what makes the chorus familiar and exciting!

Example of a Chorus Structure

Let's say you have a song about summer. Your chorus could be:

“Sunny days are here to play, come join us for another day!”

In this example, the hook is “Sunny days are here to play,” and it repeats through the song, making it fun and easy to sing along!

Why is the Chorus Important?

The chorus is important because it is the part of the song that most listeners remember. It's the heart of the song, where the writer expresses the main feeling or story. So, when writing your own song, think about what message you want your chorus to share!

Written September 29, 2024