When you write a story retell, it means you are telling a story again in your own words. This is a super fun activity that helps you learn a lot! Here are some concepts you learn:

  • Sequencing: You get to practice putting the events of the story in the right order. This is like telling your friend what happened first, second, and last!
  • Comprehension: You must understand the story to retell it. This means thinking about what the characters did and how they felt, which helps you get better at understanding other stories, too.
  • Creativity: When you retell a story, you can add your own twist or ideas! This means you can make it funny or change the ending, just like a real author.
  • Vocabulary: Writing your own version of the story helps you learn new words and how to use them. You’ll remember these words better because you’re using them in your own story!
  • Confidence: Sharing your story retell with others can make you feel proud. This helps you feel confident in your writing and speaking skills.

So, next time you write a story retell, remember all the cool things you are learning!

Written September 29, 2024