The Creation of the World

Once upon a time, in a time before time, there was nothing but darkness and emptiness. Then, something amazing happened! Let’s explore this step by step:

1. The Big Bang

To start the creation, there was a huge explosion called the Big Bang. Imagine a balloon that is really squished up and then suddenly pops! Just like that, the universe began to expand. All the stars, planets, and galaxies began to form!

2. Formation of Stars and Planets

After a long time, clumps of gas and dust came together to form stars. Some stars got so big that they formed solar systems! Orbiting around these stars, like our Sun, planets began to take shape, including our Earth.

3. Creation of Earth

Earth started out as a hot, fiery ball, but as it cooled down, water formed in the oceans. Mountains rose, and the atmosphere, a blanket of air, formed around it. Earth was finally ready to support life!

4. First Life Forms

At first, simple plants and tiny creatures lived in the oceans. Over millions of years, these tiny creatures evolved into more complex plants and animals. Can you imagine, giant dinosaurs once roamed the Earth too!

5. Human Arrival

After a very long time, humans appeared on the scene. They learned to use tools, build homes, and create cultures. People started working together and sharing stories, which led to our amazing world today!


The creation of the world is a long story of changes and growth. From the Big Bang to the arrival of humans, each step was important in helping to create the world we live in now. Isn’t it fascinating to think about how everything started?

Written October 6, 2024