Okay! Imagine when you go for a drive in a car, you see signs that tell you where to go and what to do, right? Like a stop sign makes you stop. A floating buoy is kind of like that, but for water!

When you're on a boat or at the beach, there are special colorful floats called buoys that float on the water. They tell people important things like:

  • Where to go: Some buoys show you safe paths to follow, so boats don't run into rocks or get stuck in shallow water.
  • Stay Away: Other buoys might say 'Danger' or show where it’s safe to swim. They help keep swimmers safe from big boats.
  • Fun Places: Some buoys mark where it's extra fun, like where you can go diving or fishing!

So, just like we need road signs on land to help cars and people know where to go, we need buoys in the water to help boats and swimmers stay safe and know where to go!

Written October 16, 2024