A truck crane is a special kind of truck that helps lift and move heavy things, like big boxes and even cars! It has a long arm called a boom. Think of the boom as a giant arm that can stretch up and reach out to grab things.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Getting Ready: The crane truck drives to where it needs to help. It can go to places like construction sites or garages.
  2. Using the Boom: The boom can go up and down, and it can also move side to side. This way, it can reach the things that need to be lifted.
  3. Grabbing the Item: At the end of the boom, there is a special hook or grabber that catches onto the heavy item.
  4. Lifting: Once the boom is holding the item, the crane can lift it high into the air and move it to a different spot. It’s like picking something up with your own arms but much stronger!
  5. Putting It Down: After moving it to the right place, the crane gently lowers the item down, just like when you put your toys back on a shelf.

So remember, the truck crane uses its boom to lift and move heavy things around, making it very helpful for many jobs!

Written October 17, 2024