Wolves and Dogs: A Fun Story!

Okay, little buddy! Imagine a long, long time ago, even before your great-great-great-grandparents were born! Scientists believe that wolves first came on Earth about 2 million years ago! That’s a super long time! They lived in many places like forests, mountains, and even deserts.

Now, have you ever played with a puppy or a dog? Dogs are very special friends to people. A long time ago, wolves and dogs were like cousins! Dogs came from wolves about 15,000 years ago! Can you imagine? People started to befriend some wolves because they were good at hunting and could help keep people safe.

So, some wolves became friendlier and started living with people. Over many, many years, these friendly wolves changed and, guess what? They turned into the dogs we love today!

So remember, wolves are like the big cousins, and dogs are their friendly little cousins. Isn’t that a cool story?

Written October 18, 2024