When Did Wolves Arrive on Earth?

Okay, little buddy, let’s start with wolves! Wolves are really old animals, and they have been around for a long, long time. Scientists think that wolves first came to earth about 1 to 2 million years ago! That’s like a really big number! They lived in many places and became super important in nature.

How Did Dogs Come From Wolves?

Now, about dogs! Dogs are like special friends we have today, but they actually came from wolves many thousands of years ago. Imagine a long, long time ago when people lived in caves. Some wolves got a little friendly with them and started to help them. This was about 15,000 years ago!

The wolves that were nice and friendlier got to stay close to people and got little treats, like food. Over a lot of time, these friendly wolves slowly changed. They began to look different and act different!

Now, because of all this time together, they changed into the dogs we see today! So, you can think of dogs as our furry friends who started their adventure from wolfy ancestors!

Written October 18, 2024