Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, people began to tell stories about magical beings. These beings often had special powers that could either help people or play tricks on them. Some of these magical beings were called witches.

Witches were often described as women who could mix potions, cast spells, and sometimes even fly on broomsticks! These stories started in places like Europe, where people would share tales about witches in their villages.

Sometimes, people were scared of these witches because they thought they could bring bad luck or make things go wrong. So they made stories to explain what witches could do. Most of these tales became fairy tales or stories we read today, like the ones from 'Hansel and Gretel' or 'Snow White'.

But remember, these witches are just pretend! They come from our imagination and stories that people have told for many years. Today, we see witches in movies, books, and cartoons, which are a lot of fun and help us learn about bravery and friendship!

Written October 18, 2024