The History of House Cats

Hi there! Today we’re going to learn about the history of house cats. Cats are not only cute and cuddly, but they also have a very interesting story. Let’s break it down step by step!

Step 1: Ancestors of Cats

Long, long ago, before there were house cats, there were wild cats. The Egyptian Mau, Asiatic wildcat, and African wildcat are some of the ancestors of our modern pet cats. These wildcats lived in forests and deserts all over the world.

Step 2: Cats and Humans

About 10,000 years ago, humans started farming. When they stored their food, it attracted mice and rats. To catch these pests, wildcats began to hang around human homes because they were great hunters!

Step 3: Becoming Friends

At first, wildcats were just there to catch mice, but humans noticed that these cats were very helpful. Over time, people began to take care of the cats and treat them better. The cats became less wild and more friendly, which is how they started living with us!

Step 4: Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, cats were thought to be sacred and magical. People loved them so much that they built statues of cats and even mummified them when they passed away. Cats were very important to the Egyptians!

Step 5: Cats Travel the World

Cats spread to different parts of the world as people traveled. They went to Europe, Asia, and beyond. Each culture had different ways of treating cats and believing in their special powers.

Step 6: Cats Today

Today, house cats are found all around the world! We have different breeds of cats, all with their unique colors and patterns. Cats are loved pets in many families because they are playful, fun, and can be quite silly!


So, that’s the history of house cats! From wild hunters to our cuddly companions, cats have come a long way. Isn’t it amazing to think about how long they’ve been with us?


  • Ancestors
  • Farm
  • Mice
  • Pests
  • Friends
  • Egypt
  • Sacred
  • Magical
  • Mummified
  • World
  • Breeds
  • Cuddly
  • Companions
  • Colors
  • Patterns
  • Wildcats
Written October 24, 2024