What is an Echidna?

An echidna is a special kind of animal that looks a bit like a spiky ball! They are also called monotremes, which means they are one of the very few animals that lay eggs instead of having babies like most mammals do.

How Do Baby Echidnas Hatch?

When a baby echidna is ready to come out, it hatches from an egg, just like a baby chick. The mom echidna lays eggs and keeps them safe until they hatch. This small baby echidna is sometimes called a puggle.

How Do They Get Milk?

After the baby echidna hatches from the egg, it is very tiny and needs food to grow. The mother echidna doesn’t have teats like many other animals. Instead, she produces a special milk that comes out of her skin. The baby echidna drinks this milk to get strong and healthy.

Why is This Important?

So, even though baby echidnas come from eggs, they still need milk to help them grow, just like you did when you were a baby! Isn’t that amazing?