Dear child, imagine the very first person on earth as a special superhero called Adam or Eve. Adam and Eve were like the first characters in a storybook, created by a powerful and loving author, who we call God. Just like how a writer creates characters in a book, God created Adam and Eve to live on Earth.

Thousands of years ago, before any of us were born, Adam and Eve were the first people to ever walk on Earth. They lived in a beautiful garden called the Garden of Eden, where everything was perfect and peaceful. It was like living in a magical paradise!

Adam and Eve were like the King and Queen of this paradise, taking care of all the animals and plants. They had each other for company and were like best friends. They enjoyed exploring the garden, eating delicious fruits, and playing with the friendly animals.

So, to answer your question, the first person on Earth was either Adam or Eve, depending on whether you believe the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible or other religious texts. They are like the very first characters in a big, fascinating story called human history!

Just like how a book has many chapters and characters, the story of humanity began with Adam and Eve setting foot on Earth. They started the wonderful journey of human life, filled with adventures, challenges, and lots of love. Isn't that amazing to imagine?

Written March 8, 2024