How to Convert 45 23/40 to a Decimal

To convert the mixed number 45 23/40 into a decimal, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Whole Number: The whole number part of the mixed number is 45.
  2. Convert the Fraction: The fraction part is 23/40. We need to convert this fraction into a decimal.
  3. Divide the Numerator by the Denominator: Perform the division: 23 ÷ 40. Let’s calculate it.
  4. Dividing 23 by 40, we find:
    • 23 divided by 40 gives us: 0.575
  5. Add the Decimal to the Whole Number: Now, add the decimal value we just calculated to the whole number. So we have:
  6. 45 + 0.575

  7. Perform the addition:
    • This equals 45.575.

Final Result:

Therefore, the mixed number 45 23/40 as a decimal is 45.575.