An interactive whiteboard, also known as a smart board or digital whiteboard, is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. It allows users to interact with the projected images using a stylus, finger, or other devices. Interactive whiteboards are commonly used in educational settings to enhance teaching and learning experiences.

History of Interactive Whiteboards

The concept of interactive whiteboards dates back to the 1990s when companies started developing technologies that could turn traditional whiteboards into interactive surfaces. The first commercial interactive whiteboard was introduced in the early 2000s, and since then, they have become increasingly popular in classrooms around the world.

Features of Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards come with a variety of features that make them valuable tools for educators. Some of the key features include:

  • Touch-sensitive surface: Interactive whiteboards have touch-sensitive surfaces that allow users to interact with the content displayed on the screen using their fingers or a stylus.
  • Multi-touch capabilities: Many interactive whiteboards support multi-touch gestures, allowing multiple users to interact with the board simultaneously.
  • Integration with digital content: Interactive whiteboards can display digital content from computers, tablets, and other devices, making it easy for educators to incorporate multimedia elements into their lessons.
  • Annotation tools: Interactive whiteboards come with built-in annotation tools that allow users to write, draw, and highlight content on the screen.
  • Internet connectivity: Some interactive whiteboards have internet connectivity, allowing users to access online resources directly from the board.

Benefits of Using Interactive Whiteboards in Education

Interactive whiteboards offer a wide range of benefits for both educators and students. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Engagement: Interactive whiteboards make learning more engaging and interactive, capturing students' attention and fostering active participation in lessons.
  • Visual learning: Interactive whiteboards support visual learning styles, making it easier for students to understand complex concepts through visual aids and multimedia content.
  • Collaboration: Interactive whiteboards promote collaboration among students, allowing them to work together on projects and presentations.
  • Differentiation: Educators can use interactive whiteboards to differentiate instruction, catering to the diverse learning needs of students through interactive activities and multimedia resources.
  • Feedback: Interactive whiteboards enable real-time feedback, allowing educators to assess student understanding and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly.

Best Practices for Using Interactive Whiteboards

While interactive whiteboards can be powerful tools for teaching and learning, it is essential to use them effectively to maximize their benefits. Some best practices for using interactive whiteboards in education include:

  • Plan ahead: Prepare interactive lessons in advance, incorporating multimedia elements and interactive activities to engage students.
  • Train educators: Provide training and professional development opportunities for educators to familiarize them with interactive whiteboard technology and its features.
  • Encourage student participation: Encourage students to interact with the interactive whiteboard, ask questions, and participate in activities to enhance their learning experience.
  • Use a variety of resources: Incorporate a variety of digital resources, such as videos, images, and interactive simulations, to enhance lessons and cater to different learning styles.
  • Assess student understanding: Use interactive whiteboards to assess student understanding through quizzes, polls, and interactive activities, providing immediate feedback to guide instruction.


Interactive whiteboards are powerful tools that can transform teaching and learning experiences in educational settings. By leveraging the features of interactive whiteboards and following best practices for their use, educators can create engaging and interactive lessons that cater to the diverse learning needs of students. With their ability to enhance collaboration, visual learning, and feedback, interactive whiteboards play a crucial role in modern education.