Public School at Home, also known as virtual public school or online public school, is an educational option that combines the structure and curriculum of traditional public schooling with the flexibility and convenience of homeschooling. This model allows students to receive a public education from the comfort of their own homes, while still being connected to a public school system and following state-mandated curriculum standards.

How Does Public School at Home Work?

Students enrolled in Public School at Home are typically provided with a computer or tablet and internet access by the school district. They follow a set schedule and curriculum, which is often delivered through an online platform. Students may have live virtual classes with teachers, complete assignments online, and take standardized tests to assess their progress.

While students have the flexibility to work at their own pace and in their own environment, they are still required to meet attendance and participation requirements set by the school district. Parents or guardians may also be required to provide supervision and support, especially for younger students.

Benefits of Public School at Home

  • Flexibility: Public School at Home allows students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. This can be particularly beneficial for students who have health issues, are involved in extracurricular activities, or have other commitments that make traditional schooling challenging.
  • Personalized Learning: With online platforms, teachers can tailor instruction to meet the individual needs of each student. This can help students who are struggling academically to receive additional support, while allowing advanced students to work at a faster pace.
  • Safety: In cases where students may not feel safe attending a traditional school setting due to bullying or other concerns, Public School at Home provides a safe and supportive learning environment.
  • Access to Resources: Public School at Home students have access to a wide range of educational resources, including digital textbooks, online libraries, and educational videos, which can enhance their learning experience.

Challenges of Public School at Home

  • Isolation: Some students may struggle with the lack of social interaction that comes with online learning. It is important for students to find ways to connect with peers outside of the virtual classroom.
  • Parental Involvement: Public School at Home requires a significant amount of parental involvement, especially for younger students. Parents may need to provide supervision, support, and help with technical issues.
  • Technology Challenges: Access to reliable internet and technology can be a barrier for some students. Schools may need to provide assistance or resources to ensure all students can participate in online learning effectively.
  • Self-Motivation: Public School at Home requires students to be self-motivated and disciplined in order to stay on track with their studies. Without the structure of a traditional classroom, some students may struggle to stay focused.

Comparison to Homeschooling

While Public School at Home and homeschooling share similarities, there are key differences between the two educational models. Homeschooling typically involves parents taking full responsibility for their child's education, including selecting curriculum, creating lesson plans, and tracking progress. In contrast, Public School at Home follows a state-approved curriculum and is overseen by certified teachers employed by the school district.

Another difference is that homeschooling allows for greater flexibility in terms of scheduling and curriculum choices, while Public School at Home follows a more structured approach similar to traditional public schooling.


Public School at Home offers a unique educational option for students who seek the benefits of a public school education combined with the flexibility of learning from home. While there are challenges associated with this model, such as the need for parental involvement and self-motivation, many students thrive in this environment and find success academically.

As technology continues to advance and online learning becomes more prevalent, Public School at Home is likely to remain a popular choice for families seeking an alternative to traditional schooling.