Lidziya's Favorite Activities

1. Kicking Ball

I love kicking the ball! It rolls so quickly. Sometimes, my friends play with me. We kick it back and forth. I giggle when it goes far! Playing outside is my favorite. I can run fast too! The grass feels nice under my feet. I always ask my dad to join us. It’s so much fun to play! I smile a lot when I kick the ball.

2. Jumping

Jumping is super fun! I bounce up high into the air. Sometimes, I land on a soft pillow. I can jump like a bunny! It makes me feel so happy. My friends jump with me too. We make a jumping game. I count how many times I jump! The sky looks so big when I jump. I love to hear everyone laughing!

3. Playing Tag

Playing tag is exciting! I run fast to chase my friends. They try to run away from me. I giggle while chasing them. If I tag them, I feel like a winner! We play outside in the sun. Sometimes, I hide behind a tree. It is fun to look for my friends! We play until we are tired. Tag is my favorite game to play!

4. Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is awesome! I hold the rope in my hands. I swing it round and round. Then I jump over it! It feels like flying. I can do it faster and faster. My friends cheer me on. We take turns jumping too. It’s fun to learn new tricks. Jumping rope makes my heart feel happy!

5. Hopscotch

Hopscotch is a cool game! I hop on one foot and then two. I draw squares on the ground. My friends like to play with me. We take turns throwing a stone. I try very hard to land on the right spots. Hopscotch makes me giggle! Each jump is like a fun dance. We laugh a lot while playing hopscotch!

6. Hide and Seek

Playing hide and seek is thrilling! I hide very quietly. My friends look for me everywhere. Sometimes, I fit behind a big tree! I can’t wait to shout, “You found me!” It’s so much fun to play. We take turns being it. Hiding feels like a big secret. My heart races when I’m hiding. I love hide and seek!

7. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, paper, scissors is a fun game! I hold my hands ready. We count to three and show our hands. I giggle when I win! It’s quick and exciting. My friends play with me all the time. We can decide things using this game. It makes us laugh a lot! I love the surprise of who wins!

8. Dancing

Dancing is joyful! I move my feet to the beat. My arms go up in the air. I spin around and smile. It makes me feel so free! I dance with my friends too. We twirl and laugh together. Dancing brings me happiness. I love to create new dance moves!

9. Singing

Singing is magical! I sing my favorite songs loudly. It makes my heart feel nice. Sometimes, I sing in the shower! My family joins me and smiles. I love to make everyone sing with me. We laugh and have so much fun. Singing makes my day bright!

10. Skating

Skating is fantastic! I glide on wheels, feeling the breeze. I hold onto my friends for balance. Soon, I feel steady and fast! The ground zooms under me. I love the feeling of freedom. We race each other to see who is fastest! Skating is the best way to have fun!

11. Riding a Bike

Riding a bike is awesome! I pedal fast down the street. The wind blows in my hair. I feel like I’m flying! My friends ride with me too. We explore fun places together. I love to ring my bell. Riding my bike makes me feel strong!

12. Swimming

Swimming is refreshing! I splash in the water. It feels cool and nice. I kick my legs to float. My friends and I play games in the pool. I wear my colorful floaties. Swimming makes me feel weightless. It’s like being a fish in the water!

13. Listening to Music

Listening to music brings me joy! I love to hear happy songs. Sometimes, I dance while I listen. My heart sings along with the tunes. I like different kinds of music. It makes me feel excited and sleepy. Music is like magic in my ears!

14. Playing Computer Games

Playing computer games is super fun! I have my favorite ones. I can jump and run on the screen. My family plays with me too. We laugh and cheer together. I love to explore virtual worlds. Playing games is exciting and sometimes silly. I always learn new things while playing!

Written September 7, 2024