Leif Erikson was a brave explorer from a long time ago, around the year 1000! He was a Viking, which means he came from a place called Scandinavia, where it gets very cold.

Leif loved adventures! One day, he decided to take a big boat and sail across the ocean to find new places. Can you imagine being on a boat with the wind in your hair? That sounds exciting!

Leif and his friends found land that was not like their home. They called it Vinland because they saw lots of grapes there. They might have been the first Europeans to reach America, even before Christopher Columbus came much later!

Leif Erikson is special because he showed us how brave people can be when they explore the world. People celebrate him and remember his adventures!

Isn’t it cool to think about all the places Leif saw and the stories he must have had? Who knows what you might discover if you go on an adventure too!

Written September 7, 2024