Hi, Brooklynn! Let's talk about the Pledge of Allegiance. It's a special thing we say, usually at school, to show that we love our country, which is America.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Showing Respect: When we say the Pledge, we're saying 'thank you' to the people who help keep us safe and to everyone who works hard for our country.
  2. Being Together: Saying it with friends and classmates makes us feel like we are all part of the same team, kind of like cheering for a sports team together.
  3. Believing in Freedom: The Pledge talks about freedom and being able to be ourselves. It's important to feel free in our country!

So, when you say the Pledge of Allegiance, you’re showing that you love your country and you believe in the things it stands for!

Written September 17, 2024