What Does 'Delirious' Mean?

The word delirious is an adjective that describes a state in which a person is confused or has an altered state of mind. It often happens when someone is very sick or has a high fever, but it can also happen because of other factors like lack of sleep or the effects of drugs.

Causes of Deliriousness

Delirium can be caused by various conditions, including:

  • High fever
  • Infections, like a urinary tract infection
  • Severe dehydration
  • Drug use or withdrawal
  • Lack of sleep

Symptoms of Being Delirious

When a person is delirious, they might experience:

  • Confusion: They might not know where they are or what time it is.
  • Disorientation: They might have trouble understanding things happening around them.
  • Hallucinations: They might see or hear things that aren't real.
  • Extreme restlessness or agitation: They might feel very anxious or restless.
  • Mixed-up thinking: Their thoughts may be jumbled and hard to follow.

Example Sentences

Here’s how you can use 'delirious' in a sentence:

  • After being sick for several days, Jim was delirious and couldn’t even recognize his family.
  • The fever made her feel delirious, and she couldn't remember what she was doing.


In summary, delirious refers to a serious state of confusion and altered awareness often caused by illness or lack of sleep. While it's a specific medical condition, people sometimes use it informally to describe feeling dizzy or out of it.

Written October 16, 2024