
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to observe and identify different plants, animals, and other natural elements during a nature walk.

Materials and Prep

  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Sunscreen
  • Water bottle
  • Notepad and pencil
  • Field guide book (optional)

Before the lesson, make sure you have a basic understanding of different types of plants, animals, and natural elements commonly found in your area.


  1. Begin by discussing the purpose of a nature walk and the importance of observing and appreciating nature.
  2. Take a walk in a nearby park, forest, or any natural area.
  3. During the walk, encourage the student to observe their surroundings and identify different plants, animals, and natural elements.
  4. Encourage the student to take notes or draw pictures of what they observe.
  5. If available, use a field guide book to help identify any unfamiliar plants or animals.
  6. Discuss the findings and observations made during the nature walk.
  7. Encourage the student to reflect on the beauty and diversity of nature.

Second Grade Talking Points

  • "Nature walks are a great way to explore and learn about the natural world around us."
  • "During our nature walk, we will observe different plants, animals, and natural elements."
  • "Plants are living things that make their own food through a process called photosynthesis."
  • "Animals are living things that move, breathe, and eat to survive."
  • "We can identify plants and animals by looking at their unique features and characteristics."
  • "Nature is full of beautiful and diverse elements, and it's important to appreciate and protect it."